Western Australia Photography Trip Part two.

August 27, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Welcome back to my blog, of late a very neglected blog. Of late been a little flat out but hopefully, things should be easing up a little now and I can get back to the regular weekly blog posts was achieving a while ago. So this weeks post is a continuation of my shots from my Western Australia trip with Steve Parish. We spent a few weeks late last year travelling from Perth up the coast then up to Karijini National Park.

We start this week at Kalbarri Three-quarters of the way up the coast from Perth to Shark Bay. Kalbarri is one of those places that has so much to see and could easily spend a few weeks there before travelling on. As you'll see from some of these shots to follow. 

This first shot shows Steve taking a shot over Murchison River just around the corner from Natures window.

Whereas these one's are of Natures window looking up the gorge.  

Steve taking his turn at the window. 

A few shots taken around the window, the sort of place you could easily spend a few days here alone. So much to see so many textures, colours and contrasts. 

When we drove back into the caravan park we were staying at, I noticed these Tawny Frogmouths in a tree in the middle of the caravan park everyone walking around about them looking like no one was noticing them and they certainly weren't paying any attention to anyone. Having their midday nap.  

This one's taken at Ross Graham lookout where there are a few walks, one down to the Murchison River. This shot shows a Whistling Kite coming to land on a rocky outcrop take from the rim of the gorge so a rare shot from above of a kite. 

Whereas the next shot is taken from the bottom of the Gorge with the still water and reflections, even in a remote area like this there are people about so had to wait about half an hour for the shot to get the people out of the shot. But with the early morning sun lighting the cliff face and the still water made for great reflections. 

Sunrise at Natures window again.  


   The gorge drinking in the first of the morning light starting to light up the cliff faces. 

Back along the coast of Kalbarri, the Surfers were in action. 


Then waiting for sunset along the coastal cliffs. 


Sunrise at Z-bend pretty much the only wildflowers we came across, looking at the season they are having there now this year looks like we were a year out, they are having a bumper year there for wildflowers there this year. 



Coming back into Kalbarri we stopped off at Murchison house station. The station has an old shearing shed which walking into it is like stepping back in time,  plus a small garden which attracts the local bird life, here's a few shots from around the station. 


A few shots from within the shearing shed. Really is like steping back in time walking into this shed. 




The bonus was the Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo around the station a small flock of these were there. These are listed as endangered so good to see a group of there about, we all so spotted these on Endangered Species day so what are the odds of that.  



Early morning at Kalbarri the Pelicans come in for a free feed each morning in the park oposite the Pelican cafe. 


Back to the cliff tops at the ocean around Kalbarri.


 Finally, we drove north to Shark Bay, this one's Monkey Mia where the wild Dolphins come in each day for a free feed its been over 25 years since I was last there, the infrastructure has grown up around the beach but the sceen is the same.

I'll leave this one here and be back soon with the next instalment of our WA trip last year.


Thanks for dropping by my blog.







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