Tasmania 2017 Day 7

July 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

This week's blog is a look at the shots from day 7 of my Tasmanian trip earlier on in the year. 

First a look at where last times blog post was viewed. First up this week is Australia with the most views, then followed by the United States of America and Spain, after that on an equal number of views are Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Lesotho, Mexico and the Philippines. So, twelve countries this time around. Thanks.


This week’s blog in Tasmania was all around Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake. The weather wasn’t the kindest to us this day and light rain on and off plus a bit of wind at times to break up the water surface, so not the best of conditions but still need to make the best of it so out we went to shoot. 

This first shot the cradle partly cloud covered, this is pretty much how it is for most of the year, there are even signs warning you that this is the case in the carpark where this shot was taken from. So not every day you get to see the full cradle. 


Another shot was taken from a little further round Dove lake


Back in the car park in the rain this little Magpie was doing its best with little sucess to get out of the rain. 

Around the lake is some accommodation and some old huts complete with shingled rooves and log structures. 

Pandani growing​​​​ around Cradle Mountain. 

The overland track as it comes down from Cradle Mountain doesn’t look like the best weather to be on the track this day, light rain and little cool out there. You can see the shine on the board walk from the rain. Looks bleak out there. 

Like a lot of the forests around Tasmania the ground is covered in moss making for a green carpet of the area. 

Another of the little huts in the forest, thsi ones a little Goldilocks like.


The next is a series of shots in the forest around Cradle Mountain showing of the moss covered forest floor. 


Even managed to find a mushroom growing amongst it, thoguht I'd have found a lot more but still found the odd one or two. 

Final shot for this week is another of the shot of the moss covered forest. These shots really show just how green it is in the Tasmanian forests.  

That's it for this weeks blog post of Tasmania day 7. I'll b eback next time with the next days shots. 

Thanks for dropping by my blog. 





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