Australian Botanical Gardens, Mount Annan 2/05/2015 - 3/05/2015

May 04, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Another wet week in Sydney this week, so this weeks shots were taken over both Saturday and Sunday with Saturdays shots taken in between showers in the Australian Botanical Garden's Mount Annan.


The first shown shown here was the best of the weekend I think. This one of a pair of Mushrooms growing from the same base was shot with the Canon 60D and two sppedlites one of which had a brown gel on, the one on the right rear, the left rear is in a small soft box and slightly in front.The Gel coloured up the leaves on the ground where the soft box added the details to the front. 

The Day was pretty wet and there wasn't that many Birds about so not a great day of shots only a handful on Saturday, a lot of the time sheltering form the passing rain on and off. But I did mange to get thsi shot of a Mountain Devil (Lambertia fomosa) with the rain drops still on the spiky leaves, so happy with that. Taken with the 7dmk2 and the sigma 150-600 sports.  

As I was driving out for the day I saw a little wallaby sitting up quite near the road, so I stopped the car and got out expecting him to dart off, but this one just sat there and watched me while I took a few shots, sorry I didn't get the tripod to get a better shot, this one was hand held so not the best but still plenty of detail in the shot. Wallabies are the smaller cousin of the Kangaroos, The gardens have both but the wallabies by far out number the kangaroos

I went back the next day to start with, with my wife where we had Breakfast in the restaurant in the gardens and then a walk around the gardens, even though it wasn't raining still not much in the way of bird life around. 


So after a bit of a walk around for an hour we left. There were so many mushrooms popping up after the rain I went back with the my mushroom camera the 60D as I only took out the 7dmk2 in the morning, and I took a series of mushrooms for the afternoon, heres a collection of the shots taken.

This one I tried something different with both landscape and portrait crops, think the landscape slightly has the edge but not much in it. 


I did manage one shot of the little Yellow eastern Robin but not a great shot to slow a shutter speed for this one as he was moving about so not the sharpest image. 

So for the rest of the day I was content to take Mushroom shots with so many to choose form. 

Hope you liked the Mushroom flavour to this weeks Blog, pretty much all there was to take this week, next weekend I'll be travelling a little further a field so hopefully something different in the blog next week, stay tuned.


Thanks for dropping by. 







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